Corporate Social Responsibility
Remia is very conscious of its responsibility and model role. In this connection, it pursues an active policy in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility. Under Corporate Social Responsibility we understand: an ethical basic attitude adopted by a company, with action being focused on striking a balance between the interests of the company and the interests of its stakeholders and the integration of this into its operating processes.
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Our many products are sold under our own brand and private labels in both the domestic and foreign markets. Remia is very conscious of its responsibility and model role. In this connection, it pursues an active policy in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility. Under Corporate Social Responsibility we understand: an ethical basic attitude adopted by a company, with action being focused on striking a balance between the interests of the company and the interests of its stakeholders and the integration of this into its operating processes. Through CSR and sustainability, we aim to find a balance between the 3Ps: People, Planet and Profit (Prosperity). Each day the inspirational and challenging Remia organization motivates its staff to create the best and most innovative food products. In doing so, we continually analyze and evaluate Remia’s products, processes and our potential impact on society. Based on the results, Remia products are valued by increasing numbers of customers both in the Netherlands and abroad.
Sustainability is corporate responsibility with respect for the environment in the social and economic field. Supporting sustainability in the agrarian sector assures us of high-quality ingredients, while improving and protecting the environment, animal welfare and the social & economic conditions of local communities. Remia uses tomato paste from suppliers which use a sustainable water system. For reasons of animal welfare, only free range egg and egg yolk is used in Remia-brand sauces. Furthermore, Remia has two special points of attention.
Sustainable Palm Oil
The Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was set up to establish a generic standard for Sustainable Palm Oil. Remia is a member of the RSPO and supports he production of sustainable palm oil. In the ideal situation, we would use sustainable palm oil from a plantation which scores well in terms of the environment, staff, etc.
Responsible Soy
A Round Table for Responsible Soy has also been formed. The basic principle upon which this organization was founded is the prevention of deforestation of tropical rain forest (Amazon region) for the cultivation of soy by means of moratorium. All soy oil used by Remia in its products complies with the conditions and commitments stated in this moratorium.
Food Safety and Quality
Product safety and quality are Remia’s number 1 priority. Consumers have been trusting Remia products for over 85 years. This trust cannot be taken for granted. We do our very best to earn it every day.
Remia products are produced in modern factories which meet the highest product safety and quality standards:
FSSC 22000
SKAL/EKO (organic)

Moreover, Remia can produce kosher and halal certified products.
For more information on Remia’s Corporate Social Responsibility policy, please see the complete report here.